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HennMade on YouTube

As a new small business owner, there are always new things to learn and try. A lot of these new things are scary at first because they require me to explore uncharted territory. But one thing I've learned is that going through these challenges results in significant growth.

Entrepreneurship sometimes reminds me of working out...I struggle finding the motivation to start a workout but once I'm done with the workout I feel great. Similarly, I may avoid or feel hesitation about new business risks but once I find the courage and take action - whether it succeeds or fails - I feel proud of myself for trying and learning something new.

One of the most challenging things I have faced is making videos of myself. I am not someone who feels naturally comfortable on screen and I can be very critical of my every move and word. So making videos and posting them on YouTube is something I'm learning to push through and despite the fear and overthinking, just take action.

I try to keep it simple and remember that even if my video only reaches or helps one person, that is better than none. So, if you are interested in learning about macramé or if you are a beginner and want some helpful tips and tricks then you should definitely check out my YouTube channel.

I have some beginner friendly videos up as of today (July 2023) and I will continue sharing more helpful videos. If you have any topics that you'd like to see me cover, drop your ideas in the comments of this post or on one of my YouTube videos.

You can also find me on IG @hennmade_ where I share some shorter clips and photos of my work, which you can use to find inspiration for your projects.

If you are wondering where to find good quality macramé cord, check out my affiliate link with Ganxxet and use the code HENNMADE for 10% OFF your order.

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